Andoni Mendoza is a Software Engineer from Austin, Texas


I attended the University of Texas at Austin where I majored in Electrical and Computer Engineering with a focus in Software Engineering. I interned with IBM, a startup - reQwip, and Cisco Systems. This site contains a few hacks I’ve worked on that I’m proud of.

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Austins Sweet and Sour

Austins Sweet and Sour is a personal project who's purpose is to identify the happiest and saddest spots in Austin. I overlaid tweets from the Austin area on a map of Austin and color-coded the tweets so that happy tweets show up as red, sad tweets show up as blue, and neutral tweets as green. By looking at which areas of the map have clusters of red markers, you can identify where Austin has the happiest tweets.

I streamed tweets using Twitter’s API and sent them through a sentiment classifier API which returned whether the tweets had a positive, neutral, or negative tone. I stored the tweets on a database and wrote a small API to return them.

There is also a statistics page where I discuss which day of the week and which hour of the day had the happiest and saddest tweets.



I wanted to listen to albums that, a music review website, labeled as “Best New Music”, but browsing the site, reading the reviews, and looking up the recommended songs was highly inefficient. I developed Kwassa as a hobby to make that process better.

Kwassa is an app where you can browse Pitchfork’s Best New Music without having switch between and Spotify. You select a year, and Kwassa shows you albums from that year as well as their rating. After you choose an album you can play it on the app without having to switch to Spotify. I scraped Pitchfork to collect the data and used Spotify’s iOS SDK to play music.

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Panhandlr is a personal project that shows the top 25 best panhandling spots in Austin. It is meant for the homeless or organizations who raise funds for charities,

The data was collected from the city of Austin site. The data shows intersections of Austin and how much traffic they get. The top 25 intersections Panhandlr shows each had between 50000 and 30000 cars drive by on the day it was collected. Most intersections had 2000 to 200. Panhandlr can help organizations raise more funds for charity.



Servicely is an app I worked on for CS 378 iOS Programming at UT Austin with two teammates. Servicely connects service providers such as carpenters, tutors, and mechanics to clients who seek their services. Service providers can make posts and clients can browse posts on the feed page. There is also a chat page where users can message each other to ask about services.
